Theme FAQ

Using Color Schemes on a Production Site

1. Navigation Panel

You can set up the look of the top navigation panel by choosing one of the two color options for the .mini-navbar and .navbar containers. By default it is set to .mini-navbar-dark and .navbar-dark. Replace it by .mini-navbar-white and .navbar-white to make the navigation panel white. You can also play with color combinations to make it mixed.

2. Body Colors

You can choose one of the four color options for your website: green (default), blue, orange or red. Switching between color schemes will change the color of your links, headlines and buttons. Change the body class to .body-green, .body-blue, .body-orange or .body-red to make it active.

3. Footer

By analogy with the navigation panel, you can also choose one of the two color options for your website footer. Change the footer class to .footer-dark or .footer-white to apply changes.

Remove the .style-toggle container and everything inside it from every page to get rid of the style toggle button.